Mar 1, 20215 min read
Bringing Positive Change to Cocoa Production
Eating an estimated 660,900 tonnes of chocolate a year, which is an average of 11kg per person; it is safe to say Britain is a nation of...

Feb 23, 20213 min read
Vertically integrated Food Systems
Consider this. In 1880, 50% of Americans were in farming. Today: less than 2%. In other words, in the 20th century half the US population...

Dec 8, 20204 min read
Superfoods Have a Superhero
Aduna, a Positive Founding Member, has a Resounding Commitment to Change, and Embodies the Values of the Positive Compass. Positive...

Nov 1, 20202 min read
Reversing Climate Change through Regenerative Agriculture
The producers of ‘Kiss the Ground’ show how if we transform agriculture over the next decades we can reverse climate change and save...